Internationale Konferenz: "The deformation of language in politics and the critical role of literature today and in the work of Eric Voegelin"
/ Universität Triest (Italien)
Università di Trieste // Piazza Europa 1
Aula 1A // Edificio H3
P R O G R A M M / S C H E D U L E:
Friday, Oct. 4, 2024: Political language and its relationship to reality
3.00 p.m.: Opening Remarks (Prof. Parotto, Dr. Bergbauer)
3.30 p.m.: Prof. Francesca Santulli: Rhetoric and discourse in the public arena: the linguistic representation of political myths
4.05 p.m.: Prof. em. Arpad Szakolszai: The stealing of reality: trickster languages in political power
4.40 p.m.: Dr. Marius Benta: Subtle Shades of Unreality: Voegelin, Schütz, and the Problem of Modernity
5.15 p.m.: Break
5.30 p.m.: Jan Okonski M.A.: Voegelin reads Santayana. Expanding philosophical horizons with the adogmatism of literature
6.05 p.m.: Dr. Shaban Zanelli: From the Scienza Nuova to the New Science of Politics. Vico and Voegelin on the language of Nations
6.40 p.m.: Discussion
8.00 p.m.: Dinner in a nearby restaurant
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024: Important 20th century writers for Eric Voegelin
9.00 a.m.: Dr. William Petropulos: Stefan George, Eric Voegelin, and Plato
9.35 a.m.: Prof. em. Klaus Vondung: Literature and the Apocalypse: Hermann Broch and Eric Voegelin in the Nineteenthirties
10.10 a.m.: Prof. Clemens Pornschlegel: Voegelin's relationship to literary modernism (Kraus, Broch, Musil)
10.45 a.m.: Eberhard von Lochner: Die Bedeutung von Thomas Mann für Leben und Werk von Eric Voegelin (E: The meaning of Thomas Mann …)
11.20 a.m.: Break
11.35 a.m.: Dr. Carol B. Cooper: Albert Camus’ role as philosopher and traces of his thought in Voegelin’s intellectual development
12.10 p.m.: Prof. David Walsh: Truth and Representation as the Original Language of The New Science of Politics
12.45 p.m.: Discussion and conclusive remarks
Chairs: Fri. = Bill Petropulos, Sa. = Harald Bergbauer